Regione Toscana
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Legal notes

Information about Copyright, Link agreement and Disclaimer relating to the website.

The Municipality has created the site to encourage communications with citizens, businesses and local authorities targeted by its institutional activity.

The site was created exclusively for the purpose of informing about the activities of the Municipality, offering online services and receives no compensation of any kind, direct or indirect.
The purpose is to provide an overview of data of the City, as well as what can be found on the Web and facilitate the search for sites of various kinds (excluding sites with pornographic, illegal etc.).
There is no guarantee that an online document will reproduce exactly an officially adopted text. Therefore, only the texts of the legislation and/or administrative acts published in the printed editions are authentic.

Licenza dei contenuti

In applicazione del principio open by default ai sensi dell’articolo 52 del decreto legislativo 7 marzo 2005, n. 82 (CAD) e salvo dove diversamente specificato (compresi i contenuti incorporati di terzi), i dati, i documenti e le informazioni pubblicati sul sito sono rilasciati con licenza CC-BY 4.0. Gli utenti sono quindi liberi di condividere (riprodurre, distribuire, comunicare al pubblico, esporre in pubblico), rappresentare, eseguire e recitare questo materiale con qualsiasi mezzo e formato e modificare (trasformare il materiale e utilizzarlo per opere derivate) per qualsiasi fine, anche commerciale con il solo onere di attribuzione, senza apporre restrizioni aggiuntive.

Copyright and Link agreement

Unless otherwise specified, the materials contained in this site are copyfree, therefore freely reusable under the terms of the license.
We invite you to contact the editorial staff if the elements (images, music and other) that appear on this site are covered by rights protected by the applicable laws, so that the elements will be duly recognized to the copyright holders, by signalling the original source, or they will be immediately removed. 

Links and deep links made with sites with content not illegal both on the homepage of the portal and internal content, as long as it is clear that these are direct links to this site and there is always a link to this site. 

It will be carried out the immediate removal of links to those sites whose managers or authors or owners do not want them to be included on our pages, after simple reporting via email to the address on the footer of this site.

Entity disclaimer

This website includes the information, as well as the software for its operation and the supporting hardware, individually and collectively called the "Information", made available by this site.
The intention is to provide up-to-date and accurate information. If errors are reported, they will be corrected. 
assumes no responsibility for the material contained on the site. Such material:

  • is not necessarily exhaustive, complete, accurate or up to date; 
  • is sometimes linked to external sites over which this site has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility; 
  • the information contained in this site does not constitute a professional or legal opinion (for specific advice it is always necessary to contact a duly qualified professional). 

The external links (links) are only shown to facilitate the search for the user to other sites engaged in cultural, tourist or specialized in our field. The linked external sites are not under the control of our entity which, therefore, is not responsible for the availability, update, content or opinions expressed in such external sites and links. With regard to inaccuracies found in the texts of the documents available (as linked) through this site we decline all responsibility. The service provided through this site is a free service, provided "as is". 

It cannot be guaranteed that a document available online will reproduce exactly an officially adopted text. Therefore, only the texts of State or European Union legislation published in the printed editions of the Italian Official Journal or of the GUCE (Official Journal of the European Union) or those in official acts of this body are authentic. 

It is up to this site to minimize the malfunctions due to technical problems. However, some of the data or information on the site may have been inserted or structured in archives or formats not free from errors. We cannot therefore guarantee that the service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by these problems.

This site assumes no responsibility for any problems arising from the use of this site or any external sites linked to it. 

This disclaimer is not intended to contravene the provisions of existing national legislation or to exclude liability in cases where liability cannot be excluded under those laws.

Last update: Wednesday, 08 May 2024

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