Regione Toscana
Access to the personal area


A website is accessible when it provides information that can be used by all users, including those who are in situations of physical, technological or environmental limitations.

What does website accessibility means

Creating an accessible site means making its contents available and usable for the widest range of people and tools. This implies adopting a series of measures for people with disabilities (visual, auditory, motor, cognitive...) and people whom should not be penalized in the use of the Internet, when using old technological tools.
The main purpose of accessibility is therefore to develop a more effective, universal and affordable Network, indistinctly. The motto of accessibility is: "The power of the web is its universality" (Tim Berners-Lee).

Allowing maximum accessibility to the information and services offered is one of the fundamental requirements of public bodies. This is why the Italian Government in 2004 issued a law on accessibility, the so-called Law Stanca (Law n. 4 of 9 January 2004): the set of rules and technical requirements to facilitate access to public administrations' websites by disabled users or users with backward technological equipment.

Details on the creation

  • The pages of the site were made in HTML5
  • The elements and attributes were used in accordance with the specifications, respecting their semantic aspect.
  • Each non-text object in the pages has an equivalent text alternative.
  • All information elements and features are available even in the absence of the particular color used to present them on the page.
  • The colors have been studied in order to guarantee a good contrast between the background and the foreground color (text) in compliance with the algorithm provided by the DM 8 July 2005
  • Content and presentation have been separated; the graphic structure and layout of the site is separated from the contents by using CSS style sheets.
  • In forms (forms), labels are explicitly associated with their controls
  • The contents of the page can be accessed if you use the functions provided by the browsers to define the size of the characters
  • The contents and functionality of the page are still usable, even in different modes, in case of disabling style sheets, scripts and applets and other programming objects;
  • The informational content and the features present in the pages are the same in the various browsers.
Last update: Wednesday, 08 May 2024

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