Regione Toscana
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Tourist Area Empolese Valdelsa and Montalbano

FUCECCHIO panaroma (per utilizzo citare autore Giancarlo Vettorato)
FUCECCHIO panaroma (per utilizzo citare autore Giancarlo Vettorato)

The Municipality of Fucecchio is part of the Empolese Valdelsa and Montalbano Tourist Area, one of the 28 ATO in which the Tuscany Region is divided.

With Tuscany in the heart, we want to show the centrality of this territory compared to the main Tuscan art cities, the cultural and landscape peculiarities that make it a perfect destination for an holiday in the heart of Tuscany.

The area includes the Municipalities of Capraia e Limite, Castelfiorentino, Cerreto Guidi, Certaldo, Empoli, Fucecchio, Gambassi Terme, Montaione, Montelupo Fiorentino, Montespertoli, Vinci and is part of the Union of Municipalities Circondario Empolese Valdelsa.

The Area’s task is to promote the territory from a tourist point of view, enhancing its offer and putting in public and private contact, in collaboration with the regional agency Toscana Promozione Turistica, through the project #Tuscanytogether.

It also promotes tourism communication, through the official portal of the Tuscany Region,, the website and social media FacebookInstagramYouTubeX

If you are a tourism operator consult in particular the section Tourism Scope and subscribe to the regional platform MAKE

Last update: Monday, 06 May 2024

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