Regione Toscana
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What I became I owe to Milan but what I am, what my character is, I owe to Fucecchio.

With these words, repeatedly repeated, Indro Montanelli (1909-2001) expresses the deep bond with his hometown, a root that was the basis of his personality, of the sincerity with which he conducted his battles, of his own writing, dry and incisive. He once confessed: "Perhaps in my life I have always looked for Fucecchio", a place that had remained in his heart, despite the success and his countless trips to all continents. Paraphrasing the words of the great journalist, this itinerary invites you to look for Montanelli in his beloved Fucecchio.

For more information about Montanelli’s work and the activities promoted by the Montanelli Bassi Foundation visit the website

Montanelli's dream -

Montanelli's dream - Municipality of Fucecchio

Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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