"The Palio is a song, a dance. The vital rhythm of a people through the ancient streets and squares, finally without a car. Parade girls with garlands on their heads and doves in hand, a beautiful youth, dancing and celebrating the feast of spring in the light blue at the end of May, this is also the prize. Love in the morning and fight in the afternoon, just like life. Folklore and history become magic. Here we celebrate the ritual of work and celebration."
The Palio

An ancient contest of medieval origins, a rebirth that, from 1981 onwards, has seen a continuous growth of enthusiasm and interest: the Palio of the Districts today plays a primary role in the daily life of citizens and in the historical events of Tuscany. The undisputed protagonists of the event are the 12 Districts: Borgonovo, Botteghe, Cappiano, Ferruzza, Massarella, Porta Bernarda, Porta Raimonda, Querciola, Samo, Sant'Andrea, San Pierino and Torre.
The great race of the penultimate Sunday of May is the culmination of an entire week of events, including the presentation of the rag and the historical parade, with flag-wavers and more than a thousand participants, and is preceded by other side initiatives during the year. After the competition, a new cycle of preparation and waiting begins: for every fucecchiese the Palio is the story of every day made of passion.
All events are organized and promoted by the Municipality of Fucecchio and the Association Palio delle Contrade. Visit the official website of the event: www.paliodifucecchio.it