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Three fucecchiesi jockeys in Campo Square

I'm looking for a Franciscan friar, news about him, lived in the time of Savonarola, and I come across - surprisingly - in three jockeys fucecchiesi. Figurines that emerge from the nineteenth century, which from Fucecchio managed to land in Piazza del Campo, Siena, to run the Palio.

Meeting first Antonio Guaschi (not Guasqui). Born in Fucecchio in the year (presumed) 1827. At the age of twenty, exactly on August 16, 1847. He made his debut in Siena in the Palio dell'Assunta, under the name of battle Folaghino, which recalls marshy spaces. An extraordinary debut. He wins with the horse of the district of Nicchio. He stands still in 1848, like everyone else. His career was interrupted by the First War of Independence. It was the year of Curtatone and Montanara. in July 1849, there are three palios: July, August and October. The extraordinary one - in October - is dedicated to the inauguration of the Empoli-Siena railway line. Folaghino is unsuccessful in none of the three. But he won, in 1850, that of July 2 for the Snail and is repeated, on August 16, always for the Snail. The year after is again first in the Palio of August 17 for the wave. Then disappears with a palmares not bad. Four palios won on seven courses. The reason for his disappearance is unknown. Not even news comes from Siena. And the fantasy goes to bridle loose. An accident, a disease, but also different choices. Certainly not the age.

The participation in the Palio of Siena of the second jockey that I met: Gonga. Pietro Montanelli, born in Fucecchio, probably in 1834. Eleven palios raced and no victory. Debut (at old age) in the Palio of July 1874 with the district Snail. In August, defends the colors of L'Aquila. In July 1875 he was with the Panther. A year later, always in July, with the Dragon, and, in August, with the Owl. In August 1877 he was with the Caterpillar. The following year, in August, with L'Aquila. In July and August 1879 with Tartufa. The following year, in July, with L'Aquila. Closes in July 1881 with the Caterpillar. After seven years. A presence in Piazza del Campo without the satisfaction of victory.

The third jockey, born in 1838, makes a brief appearance at the Palio dell'Assunta of 1858 with the colors of the Porcupine. Santi Soldaini, called Volpe. I wonder what gets him away from Piazza del Campo.

These three jockeys refer us to Fucecchio that in the nineteenth century organized, for important religious festivals, poles to run in via Dante. And that bred jockeys who then had the opportunity to assert themselves elsewhere, to get to Siena. It is also Fucecchio land of horses and the annual fair of cattle, where the horse was the master. Three names - Folaghino, Gonga, Volpe - that can find a place in the imagination of how many (and are the most) love the Palio, a piece of our history.

Source: Riccardo Cardellicchio, Gente e Luoghi, Il Tirreno

Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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