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Civic and Diocesan Museum of Fucecchio


The Museum of Fucecchio (, founded in 1969 as a museum of sacred art, was reopened in 2004 in the new headquarters of Palazzo Corsini, with the connotation of the city museum, divided into three sections: archaeological, historical-artistic and naturalistic.
The collections, owned by the city, state and ecclesiastical, illustrate the history of the area between the Cerbaie, the lower Valdinievole and the Valdarno, from the end of the Tertiary to the Modern Age, both in its naturalistic aspects and in the ancient settlement, until the artistic productions from the Middle Ages to the contemporary age.
In 2021, the Museum’s collection was enriched with works by master Gino Terreni, the nucleus of preparatory sketches of the monument to the massacre of the Padule inaugurated in Castelmartini (Larciano, Pistoia) 16 September 2002 in the presence of the President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
These are four works - two tempera on paper and two terracotta - that illustrate the path of elaboration that led the author to the definitive form of the monument.

The Fucecchio Museum is part of the Valdarno di Sotto Museum Network and the Empoli Valdelsa Museum

With the ticket of the Museum, you can also visit the viewpoint on top of the Torre di Mezzo, inside the Corsini Park, born from the insertion inside the structure of an iron staircase and some balconies that allow the view from the top of the Arno valley. 

Online guide

A free online guide with Claudio Bisio as narrator is the one made available by Mu-DEV to allow fans to visit virtually the 21 museums that are part of the Empolese Valdelsa museum system.

The guide is available on the platform where the voice of Claudio Bisio, linked for years to Tuscany, introduces the listener to the beauty and specificity of the Empolese Valdelsa and its museums.

Last update: Wednesday, 04 September 2024

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