Regione Toscana
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The Artistic and Historical section

Paintings, silverware and sacred art objects

Museo - Madonna con Bambino di Zanobi Machiavelli

Ordered in the main floor of the building, the section collects paintings and sacred art objects from the churches of the center and the territory, in particular from the abbey church of San Salvatore and the Collegiate Church of San Giovanni Battista, where works from churches and religious congregations suppressed in the Leopoldine period, dated between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries, also converged. 

Among the most ancient paintings stands out for example the "Madonna in gloria con Santi", once inside the Collegiata, the work of an artist identified recently with Giovanni di Ser Giovanni known as Scheggia, brother of the famous Masaccio, excellent example of minor master of the Renaissance, and the "Madonna and Child" by Zanobi Machiavelli, Florentine painter linked to Filippo Lippi.

In the main hall, the works of Giovanni Larciani or da Larciano, once known as the Kress Master of Landscapes, can be found. His is the "Nativity and Saints", surmounted by a lunette representing the Trinity among the Evangelists. 

In addition to the silver, among which are to be highlighted the reliquary of the cross in rock crystal of the fifteenth century, a chalice of the same time and a rare aquamanile with refreshing brass of the sixteenth century, the collection of sacred wallpaper stands out for variety and richness, allowing an interesting excursus on styles and techniques of textile manufacturing in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Of great interest are the fabrics of Italian manufacture, in particular those from Venice. 

To this original nucleus of the museum is added, at the end of the exhibition, the collection of works that the Fucecchian artist Arturo Checchi, active from the first decade of the twentieth century until the sixties, wanted to donate to his native country by will.

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Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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