Regione Toscana
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The Room of relics by Giuseppe Montanelli

A glory of Italy


The room dedicated to the relics of Giuseppe Montanelli (Fucecchio 1813-1862) was inaugurated on January 9, 2016 after a long and delicate restoration work, in a new setting inside the Civic Museum. 
The relics - consisting of the captain’s uniform of the Pisan University Guard, the hood of university professor and the tricolor band - were donated in 1862 to the Municipality of Fucecchio by Laura Parra, widow of Giuseppe Montanelli, as evidence of his commitment as a university lecturer, soldier and politician. The new exhibition also includes a multimedia tool, made with the contribution of the Tuscany Region, with which you can follow the biography of the patriot and the different characters of the Risorgimento whose events were intertwined in various ways with the activity of Giuseppe Montanelli. 
The restoration and installation of the relics were carried out with the decisive support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di San Miniato.


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Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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