Regione Toscana
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The Naturalistic section: "Adolfo Lensi" collection

An ornithological collection of about 300 specimens


The core of the section consists of the collection that the physician Adolfo Lensi composed between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century with specimens of the local fossil fauna and contemporary fauna of the Padule di Fucecchio. The latter were collected by himself and others were added for donations or purchases for a total of about 300 specimens. The collection, kept in the Villa Lensi near Ponte a Cappiano until it was purchased in 1978 by the Municipality of Fucecchio, after a careful conservative restoration, is on display on the top floor of Palazzo Corsini. 

In the first room there are specimens sorted by the types of environment of the Padule di Fucecchio and the surrounding areas: shallow and deep water, reed beds, garzaia, wooded areas, meadows and cultivations. In the second room the pieces are ordered with systematic criteria inside the original windows. 

The collection has a remarkable historical and naturalistic interest as evidence of the richness of the avifaunistic Padule di Fucecchio; among the aquatic birds on display, we find rare species such as the rusty hump, now extinct in our country, the Sultan Chicken, survived only in Sardinia, and the Moretta tabaccata.

Nella prima sala si trovano esemplari ordinati per i tipi di ambiente del Padule di Fucecchio e delle aree limitrofe: le acque basse e le acque profonde, il canneto, la garzaia, le aree boscate, i prati e i coltivi. Nella seconda sala gli esemplari sono invece ordinati con criterio sistematico all'interno delle vetrine originali. 

La collezione ha un notevole interesse storico e naturalistico come testimonianza della ricchezza avifaunistica del Padule di Fucecchio; fra gli uccelli acquatici esposti, troviamo infatti specie rare come il Gobbo rugginoso, ormai estinto nel nostro Paese, il Pollo sultano, sopravvissuto solo in Sardegna, e la Moretta tabaccata.

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Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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