Regione Toscana
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The day goes by, there is more and more air of the race.

(Riccardo Cardellicchio)

It could be summed up in this way that electric atmosphere, of expectation and hope, that the city of Fucecchio not only collects and enhances during the week paliesca, but also distills in other collateral initiatives dedicated to children, to fans of competition and horses and to those who love folk re-enactments.

The spring races

A real anticipation of the Palio, which precedes about a month, the Spring Races allow the districts to better evaluate the animals that can then participate in the May event. This is an appointment to be marked on the calendar for both the contradaioli for horse lovers and equestrian races that are held between districts of the city.

The Grand Gala

An unmissable opportunity for those who love ancient traditions and folklore, the Gran Galà degli Sbandieratori e dei Musici takes place in Fucecchio since 2011. The protagonists of this festival of music and colors the flag-wavers of the 12 districts, who perform accompanied by drums and clarification of their companions.
Until last year, the Gran Galà was held in October and sanctioned the ideal closing of the paliesca season; from 2018, instead, the event takes place in late April, as to introduce the race to be held a month later. The performance has also changed slightly: the maximum duration of the performances is fixed at 10 minutes and each district, within its own performance, presents a game with the "great team", a joint show between clarification, musicians and flag bearers. It all ends with a final game that involves the 12 districts. All participants, finally, parade through the streets of the center accompanied by the sound of the band of the Contrada Sant'Andrea.

The Palio in the Game

Exactly one week after the main race, the Palio in game is held, an initiative that involves the children of the schools of Fucecchio and the groups of the youngest of each district. To open the event the parade of the small contradaioli, followed by, in the afternoon, the medieval games of children, for a whole day of togetherness and joy.  As part of this initiative there is also the market of the Contrade, during which each district distributes its gadgets and their colors of recognition to enhance the deep bond that unites citizens and their district.

Last update: Friday, 03 May 2024

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