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Boat excursions and walking paths by "Il Padule Association"

Discovering the fucecchiese area of the Padule, its environmental wealth and its traditional activities.

For some years, the local association Il Padule has made excursions on Saturday and Sunday, from morning to evening, which allow you to fully immerse yourself in nature, both through walking routes and on historic fishing boats.

There are two main types of offer. Boating (about 2 hours, with escorts) is a fascinating journey to rediscover the ancient customs and activities of the Padule that, over the years, have allowed the livelihood of all those communities located in neighboring countries and near the Padule. Along the way, passing through the clear (those parts of marshes, ponds and lakes that are not encumbered by reeds or aquatic plants), you can observe the characteristic hunting huts and have explanations about the traditional forms of fishing.

The walking paths that cross the fucecchiese part of the Padule are of two types. In summer, always in the company of competent guides, there are itineraries that allow you to observe the avifauna characteristic of this marshy ecosystem: an opportunity for young and old, simple onlookers or birdwatchers. For those who love walking, there are also guided tours (about 2 hours) along the massive banks of the Padule that host many animal and plant species and that were the scene of some tragic events during the Second World War.

Last update: Thursday, 02 May 2024

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